Sep 14
This blog will be my place for discussing what is happening with the web site, with the publications in the works and what I am doing or thinking.

Right now the web site is working but not everything is in place. Also the rewritten material from FetLife and elsewhere is undergoing editing and while the unedited text is in place, it will be replaced as soon as the editing of each section is finished. The current editing is ongoing in the Tools section which is the largest section by far. Once it is done the other sections should go much quicker. It has been interesting learning how to prepare a more current website than the last one I did almost 20 years ago. I still need to set up the discussion forum for both my publications and general consensual enslavement topics. It should be open by this weekend.

My first book, I Can Do This is being finished and formatted for publication. My goal is to have it available before the end of September, 2018. It could have been ready some months ago but I wanted to get some things prepared for it before the release and now those things are done or almost done. They include the House Malkinius Illustrated Gorean Slave Positions and the website.

I will be updating information here as I have it and as I wish to announce new things or changes to existing things.

Future plans include more books including a sequel to the first one, books specifically on my system of thinking about and doing consensual enslavement, redoing my old website in the new format and style. Making both websites mobile friendly and of course adding more tools, definitions and essays to the web site and to FetLife.

While I am moving all the material that I have published on FetLife from there to here I am not abandoning FetLife by any means. Many things will be published there first and then rewritten, expanded and republished here. I do this both to increase the longevity and accessibility of the information and to have more control over it. Also any constraints on content here will be mine and not those of other people. I wish this to be a place friendly to all who have a serious interest in consensual enslavement, the learning, practice and the training of it.

So for now, please pardon the under construction signs, bits and pieces of this and that which are done and the parts still being worked on all being intermingled. I believe it will be worth the time of those who wish to learn and do.


Posted by Malkinius

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