Oct 22
A while ago I came to the realization that while I have many useful tools and some good essays on doing consensual enslavement, I don't have an overall explanation about how to put it all together and use it. That is going to change. I am working on that explanation now and I hope to have it up and available in a few weeks or less. It all depends on how much I reuse and how much is created from scratch. The working title is More Hammers. This is very subject to change and suggestions for a better title are welcome.

The intention is to have it available for download here rather than just make it a web page. Or, have the full information downloadable and the summary be a web page. I intend it to be a short book and forever free. That will be true if I upload it to Amazon as well as have it available here. If anyone wants to be a beta reader for it, let me know. I can always use the editing help and it certainly improved my first book, I Can Do This, which is really the followup to the intro book. It was released first as it broke the dam encouraging me to write, edit, compile and get stuff done.

I will also be posting some background material about the characters from I Can Do This on the forum. Like most authors, I have background material that was not intended to be part of the book but needed to write the characters and story. This also explains some comments in the story as well as the motivation for certain things in the story.

Also in the works will be the sequel to what is happening with Master and Slave, with the working title of 48 Hours. Do not expect it before the first of the year at the earliest and probably some time after that. Somewhere along here there will be a published book of tools and one of essays. Both will be rewritten and expanded from what is on this website so they will be different to some extent from what is here.

Posted by Malkinius

Oct 7
It took much longer than I expected both in the learning curve formatting the book for an eBook and finding more typos and errors than I thought would have been left in the book. After the work and clean up, it is now available on amazon.com.

You can find it at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07J3K3XSW.

It is available for Kindle Unlimited as well as lending and downloading. The list price is $9.99 but for a short while to encourage sales I am listing it at $2.99 for the first few weeks. That is as low as I can go. If you buy it, please add a review. It will help others find the book and see if it is right for them.

I am adding a book specific line to the forum and a place for people to put their answers to the questions so others can see and comment on them. Please add yours as well so others can see how other people understand what is happening in the book.

There will be more additions to the web site coming up very shortly. Now that this book is out I can start on the following ones but I am going to rest for a few days first. More information about what is in the pipeline to follow shortly but expect one or more big things by the end of the year.

Posted by Malkinius