Apprentice, Journeyman
We shall start the description of this tool with where the thought started, an article I read on the Smithsonian Magazine web site.
I am certain that most people know what the placebo effect is. If you don’t, it is when you believe something will work when there is no reason outside of your belief that it will work. Drug trials have long noted that the control group which did not receive the drug with the active ingredients they were testing sometimes produce the same effect as the drug with the active ingredients. The old “snake oil” medicines worked some of the time even if the ingredients should have had no or little effect.
What does this have to do with consensual enslavement? I am not advocating giving your slave harmless pills and telling them that they will enslave them as a method of enslavement, even though it would be an interesting experiment to try. Where it does come in is if the slave believes the Master can enslave them and that the Master's techniques and whatever else will work on them, they are more likely to get to an internal enslavement state faster than someone who is actively resisting or who doesn’t believe the Master really knows what they’re doing. I have seen it happen. When something unexpectedly works, the Master’s operant thought should be, “I meant to do that…unconsciously.” The greater the slave’s belief in the abilities of the Master, the greater their assistance in the enslavement process. Also, I believe that the greater the belief in the Master’s own competence and knowledge, the more likely what they do will work. Yes, that even includes the people who think they know all there is to know because they are so confident and dominant...despite whatever they actually are. Obviously, people who actually know something will do better with this belief than those who know nothing.
I believe this is why when you explain what and why you are doing something during the training process, the slave is more likely to work with it rather than against it. The slave knows where you are going and something of how to get there and at least subconsciously will work with the Trainer rather than against them. In the article referenced above, the author has absolute knowledge that the pills he was given had no active ingredients in them but everything was done by the doctor and the pharmacist as if they were real and would work. The stage was set, the actors took their places and spoke their lines and the pills worked.
The belief of the slave in their Master’s or Trainer’s abilities is the same thing. When they have the knowledge and experience to back up the impression it works even better. I consider this to be a background tool. It works in the background as another layer of everything that is being done. This is one of the reasons behind why ritual, specific settings to create a mood or atmosphere that is conducive to the desired result makes whatever is done much more effective. They set up the expectation of results which causes the brain and body to produce those results. When this is combined with other tools it is one more layer to enforce and reinforce what you are doing. I would not rely on this by itself, but when combined with other tools which do have experimental and scientific support, it will enhance the Placebo Effect and bridge any gaps that may occur in your training procedures.
28 September 2018
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