I can do this. You can do this too if you want to learn how.
This is not an ordinary introductory book for new people. It starts at a level most fear to approach and many claim can not exist. It drops you into the beginning of a consensual enslavement relationship being done by experienced people and shows you how it could be done. Then you are invited pull the green curtain aside and learn what’s really going on and why. You will learn tools and techniques of consensual enslavement and how and why they are used in the example and the real world. These are the things many people hint about but never really explain.
Whether you are interested in this from a BDSM, Leather, Gorean or some other background, here is the start of actual instruction not just in what you could do, but how to understand why to do it. The core is a story of how one person starts their journey to a new stage of knowledge with real world examples taken from how some people do this. It’s a fictional example which combines a journey quest, an ordeal to overcome, the martial arts trope of the student who will do whatever is needed to learn from the Master with examples of consensual enslavement tools and instruction about how to do this and then questioning you about how and why things are done. Plus you will have the tools used in the story. Wrap this all together and you have more useful information in one place than almost anywhere else.
What this book is not is a blueprint of how you should do consensual enslavement. It is not a cookbook that you can blindly follow. However, the knowledge you can gain will set you well on the path to doing more than most think is possible, let alone attempt. It is more hard knowledge than you will find in most other books. This is not how one person does it. This is how you think about doing it. Learn what is in here and you won’t be following someone else’s cookbook, you’ll be writing your own.
To read the first chapter of I Can Do This click the NEXT button below.
All material written and © Copyright 2018 by Malkinius unless otherwise noted.
For permission to quote or repost contact Malkinius at malkinius@consensualenslavement.com.
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