Consensual Enslavement

Decision Trees




This is a computer term that is also a Tool. It is used in many places as a way of deciding if something happens, what to do next out of several choices. For example, if I go through a door into a hallway, I can go left or right. This is the first branch of the tree. What I do next depends if I go left or right. At some point, it comes to a new decision point. Do I enter a door in the hallway and which one? If I come to an intersecting hallway, do I turn or continue? When I choose a door, the same or a different hallway, the tree branches again. It could be that a branch from going either left or right will end up at the same point. It could be that either direction will end up at totally different points.


What does this have to do with consensual enslavement? When training or Reinforcing, we all make decisions on what may happen. We do it after something happens and before something happens as well. This is what planning is, deciding what can happen if certain other things happen. When we do something, we do not know if it will work the way we want or not. We should always plan for both what we are doing working and not working, plus the third option, what are you going to do if something you didn't think would happen happened .


As with any endeavor, the more you plan ahead the better things work out as expected. Consensual enslavement is no different. The better you plan, the more successful you will be. The more solutions you have to potential problems and yes, the successes too, the better you will do.


I am very serious about planning for success. When most people plan ahead, they look for problem points and plan what to do if things go wrong in the ways that they expect. Too many people don’t plan a follow up for what happens if it all goes right. The more you create decision trees in advance, the more often you will be right. Planning for and what turns out to be the correct choice has a cumulative effect. This means the more often you do it right the more often you will continue to do it right. That does not change the need for planning for both success and failure plus one or two branches from each decision if it works or doesn't work. When it works, what others will see will look like a line of successes or right choices instead of all the branching possibilities which were not followed.



27 September 2018

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