Consensual Enslavement



Apprentice to Journeyman


The general definition is the quality or state of agreeing or corresponding. In this case, I am using the term more in the sense of the correspondence of one thing with another. It is also connecting one thing with another so something done one place will have a connection or an effect in the other location. Some things have a natural connection and others are created by doing a similar thing in two areas causing the body/brain to make a connection between them.


This associating one thing with another thing is often done with things that are not normally connected or only partially connected. One of the simplest associations is doing the same thing physically to two different areas of the body so the person develops a connection or a deeper connection between them. It can also be connections between actions, activities, feelings, objects or anything which can be connected at the same time or in sequence.


This is where an understanding of anatomy and neurology help in making different areas of the body easier to connect. It also is part of the Engine which makes Operant Conditioning work. In humans, certain nerves connect at the same or close to the same area of the brain. Stimulation of one set can produce an effect in the other utilizing a natural pathway. In the human female there is a direct neurological tie between the nipples and the clitoris. They both enter the brain at the same spot which is why nipple stimulation can produce clitoral stimulation and even orgasm. It is more noticeable in some females than others but the connection can be made through stimulation of both at the same time. Reflexology works on the same principle with less, to my knowledge, direct nerve connection between areas of the feet and body organs and parts. But it does feel good and with other body or mental stimulation at the same time can create a connection between them.


Interestingly, just about any area of the body can be made an erogenous area through sexual stimulation combined with similar physical stimulation of the second area. You are causing a corresponding reaction in one place as if it is happening in another. This is both an enjoyable and fun sexual activity. Being able to create Congruence is a psychologically strong form of Control. The psychological effects of control of one thing can carry over to the control other things. Congruence is a very good enslavement and reinforcement tool. Like most tools, the individual use of the tool may not have a great effect but its effect is both cumulative and relational to other forms of control.


This tool progresses over time with knowledge, experience and usage. The more things you connect in someone the more you can connect. It is also part of the engine that enables Triggers to work. This is the connection part of the two parts of the Trigger tool, the command and the action.


The tool is not limited to sexual activities. Any two things you wish to connect can, theoretically be connected. The best method is to connect something neutral or unpleasant with something pleasurable. In a lot of BDSM play, pain is connected to pleasurable feelings. Both pain tolerance and the enjoyment of the activity is connected and enhanced. Praising the slave every time they do something you want will produce pleasure in doing it. Later, even if praise is not always present, or the indication of pleasure is modified with something else, the feeling of pleasure from the praise will still be attached to the activity. You can use switching praise types to reinforce the same thing as a way to add new triggers of the pleasure feeling.


You can look at the effects created by the tool as a specific form of Operant Conditioning. The slave can and often does see what you are doing but that does not stop it from working. Sometimes the transparency of the connection makes it work faster and sometimes slower, but eventually it will work. You can consider it one of the active components of Positive Reinforcement of the activities you wish to encourage.



27 September 2018

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